
Home » Asphalt Maintenance Services » Sealcoating

Olson Asphalt Maintenance is a sealcoating and striping company located in Seaside, Oregon. Olson Asphalt Maintenance’s service territory includes South West Washington and North West Oregon.

We use a premium grade of sealcoat because we understand the impact the North West weather and the Pacific Ocean have on your asphalt property. This mix is specifically designed to work the best in this environment. A-100 HD is a high performance asphalt emulsion sealer blended with polymers. Polymers are hot blended directly into A-100 HD during manufacturing process to produce a coating with added toughness, flexibility, adhesion, and weather resistance.

Before and After

Maintenance is a sealcoating and striping
Maintenance is a sealcoating and striping

What is asphalt sealcoating? Why do I need to sealcoat my driveway or parking lot?

Think of sealcoating like painting your house, it is a protective coat for the surface underneath. Sealcoating protects the asphalt from the weather elements, the oils, the gasoline, and the rain. Sealcoat is black in color, it will make your parking lot or driveway look almost new, making your property stand out. New asphalt on your driveway or parking lot should get sealed in its’ first year of life. The asphalt seal coating schedule depends on the usage and condition of asphalt, but 3 to 7 year window should be the usual cycle.

What is the cost to seal asphalt driveway?

The cost to seal your asphalt driveway or parking lot is significantly less than paving new asphalt, and overlaying the asphalt surface. Cost to sealcoat your asphalt depends on the asphalt’s current condition and the total square footage. Call us for a free estimate.

The following is a general endorsement from the ‘Asphalt Institute’ regarding asphalt sealing technology: “If one does not seal, fine hairline cracks appear in the pavements surface… and this is the start of a maintenance problem… By sealing we then extend the life of the pavements… if one seals immediately, and providing other variables that lead to pavement failure do not come into play, you should be able to extend the pavement life almost indefinitely…”


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